4 Intentional Ways to Slow Down and Prevent Career Burnout

Working with busy, driven BIPOC women & femmes, we often meet with brains that are unfamiliar with slowing down and with spirits that are on the verge of burnout.

Sometimes we just want to get out of our own heads.

It’s no mystery why we’re programmed this way– perfectionism, capitalism, and the patriarchy to name a few. And for many of us, it has become our default mode.

In this mode, we’re tired, unfocused, and unmotivated. 

This is not what our ancestors wanted for us. And deep down we know that:

We deserve rest. 

We deserve space.

We deserve joy.

You can stop the mind spiral that vacillates between the land of To-Do Lists and The Cave of Awkward Memories. 

It’s possible. You can control your thoughts.

It’s as simple as taking time to slow down, to take a pause.

With any new skill, it takes practice. And 99.9% of the time it requires grace.

Breaking unsustainable patterns that no longer serve and centering our wellness is our coaching zone of brilliance

Here are four tips that can help you slow the fuck down and take mini vacations every day:

1) Name what’s happening 

Awareness is the first step, and we can’t move through what we can’t name.

It can be as simple as acknowledging, “I’m in my head” or “I’m spiraling.”

Speak them out into existence. Bonus points if you invite someone to witness you.

There’s power in expressing them and allowing them to leave your brain.

2) Breathe

Breathing is a vacation. 

Allowing yourself to take a pause, to slowly inhale and exhale, is creating space to clear your mind and for you to be present. 

If it serves you, take a trip to your oasis!

If intruding thoughts visit, that’s ok. Give them a head nod and let them go on your next exhale.

Challenge: The next time you feel your energy is on the edge of a cliff, breathe girl.

Don’t rush to do the next thing. 

3) Journal with curiosity

Writing our thoughts down has helped me and a lot of our clients become more mindful. 

Here are some prompts to get you started:

What is my relationship to pausing?

What beliefs do I have about slowing down?

What would be possible if I paused and slowed down more?

We use prompts similar to the ones above with our group coaching clients every week to feel grounded and present during our sessions. So if you feel called to share space with someone else, try journaling with a friend and sharing what you’ve reflected on.

4) Give yourself grace and compassion

No one is going to grade your rest or your intentional pause. 

The perfect pause doesn’t exist!

Trying is enough.

Showing up for yourself is enough.

One breath is enough. 

One word in your journal is enough.

You are enough.

Leadership Coach | Healing-Centered Career Development