Stop comparing your career to others and move at your own pace

Take a deep breath for me and try to think about where you’re at right now.

Think about the changes you’re experiencing, the baby steps you’ve been taking towards the next day, task, or goal.

How do you feel about the movement in your life?
The reason I ask is that I’ve noticed how hard some of my clients in our group coaching program and peers have been on themselves for not moving fast enough, not hitting their goal yet, or living that ideal life they seek.

Thinking so “big picture”, too far ahead, makes it really hard to celebrate the small things that also matter.

Many of us are in the transitional phase, moving towards whatever is next but not quite there. It can be frustrating to be in the thick of things because change and reaching big visions for ourselves takes TIME.

The messy middle may not feel like an “Instagram-worthy” moment but it's important that YOU know that you are still moving forward.

It’s easy to assume or feel like everyone else is gliding through life, making power moves, and doing it flawlessly. But the reality is that we have no idea what people are going through, struggling with, and keeping to themselves.

Trust the journey

Again, trust that you are moving forward in your journey, even if it's just an inch at a time. It’s okay to recognize and call out your frustration, to feel stuck for a moment (or long periods of time). This is a part of the process, this is an opportunity to shift your mindset and reframe how you see yourself.

Give yourself permission to move slowly, take breaks, and trust that you’re enough. Allow yourself to let go of that pressure and the crushing expectation that you’re supposed to be doing things like others or at a pace that doesn’t match your energy.

YOU choose the speed and the direction.

And if standing still is what you choose to do (especially if that’s what your mind, body, and spirit need at the moment), own it.

Leadership & Negotiation Coach for Women of Color in Technology|Founder|Workshop Facilitator, Speaker & Trainer

Nadia’s career and leadership expertise has been featured in CNBC, HuffPost, FastCompany, New York Times Kids, and The Muse.